Friday 28 October 2011


So life has been busy, and most of it has been school work. It's been almost 3 weeks since my last blog and I felt like I needed to do a little catch up blog to keep you all up-to-date.

Recent photo of me!
The last time I posted I was in the middle of the October holidays and it was nice to get away from some of the stresses from school. During the holidays I went on a shopping trip with my mother to Glasgow and bought a few things (some shown below). I was also so close at buying myself a Jeremy Scott designed Swatch watch but unfortunately they didn't have the one i wanted, X-Ray Vision, in stock but I'm planning to buy one over the net very soon, so expect some post about it!

Sweatshirt- American Apparel: £46   Aviator Jacket - Topman: £70

Since the new term at school has started (2 weeks ago) it has been work, work and more work. The homework has doubled in pace and there has been NABs and revision coming out my ears, so I've basically been drained nearly everyday after school.

It was also my birthday yesterday which was fantastic! I got an iPad from my parents and it's absolutely wonderful! I've literally not let it go from my hand since I opened it yesterday morning. I've already downloading loads of apps for it along with a few ebooks: Alice In Wonderland, Sherlock Holmes and Dracula to get me in the mood for Halloween. The day was spent with family and friends and ended with a lovely meal with my parents at night!

Tomorrow night I'm going to a friends Halloween party with still no idea of a costume. Aaahh, nightmare!
But until the next time... X.

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