Tuesday 27 September 2011

Milan Fashion Week!

Milan isn't really my favourite Fashion Week but this season was something different. Of course there are always designers at Milan Fashion Week that are always flawless but I never really look forward to it, nothing like the excitement of Paris or London. Anyways, moving on. Like I said, this season has definitely impressed me with my 3 favourite collections: Moschino, Missoni and Gucci.

To be 100% honest, I have never really been interested in any Moschino collections. On the days leading up to any fashion week I write down all the collections I want to catch a look at, whether it be Emporio Armani, Prada or whatever. Moschino was not on that list but I heard so much praise for this collection that I just had to check it out. I was really excited to see the American Wild West look again, a look to go for during next spring, and the Spanish bull-fighter look. The colours are definitely spring but not the typical floral palette you tend to see for Spring/Summer which is a great move! I will definitely be looking out for Moschino next season!

With a collection named 'Sunrise Birds' it definetly gives us an idea of what the collection entitles. With flowing, electric blues mixed along with trunk-like browns it really does give a sense of birds at a sunrise. The flow of these dresses is perfect, with an off-the-shoulder hang it gives a relaxed look which is ideal for summer. You'll definitely be looking gorgeous in summer with these items.

Gucci is really giving out on the classy this collection, as always. The lack of intense detail really gives it a fresh look but still keeping everything mature with the colour choice (mundane oranges and lime greens). Gucci is also another collection to bring snakeskin into their collection, this time a beautiful, glamorous bag. House of Holland being another fashion house to use snakeskin. *see previous post*. So whether it be spring or summer just remember to look to Gucci for a bit of class! 

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